The school authorities rely on the full co-operation of the parents and guardians in all matters concerning the education of their child.
Parents are expected to co-operate by enforcing regularity, punctuality, cleanliness and sense of discipline in their wards.
Parents are to check the school calender / diary daily and see to it that lessons and homework assigned to the students for the next day are done.
Remarks made in the diary by the principal / teacher in the remarks sheet should be seen and duly signed.
Parents are advised to monitor the use of mobile phones and other electronic gadgets to ensure that students do not misuse them.
School does not take responsibility for any issues arising out of the use of such gadgets and social networking.
Parents /Guardians / relatives are not allowed to visit the class room and talk to the teachers or students during the class hours without the written permission of the principal.
Students are not allowed to bring any book or magazine except the textbook and library books to the school.
It is strongly recommended not to take leave for your child or for family / social functions as far as possible.
The school is not responsible for any pupil outside the school premises before and after the school hours.
The result announced at the end of the year is considered final .
Pupils who are absent from examinations even for any valid reason whatsever will not be re- examined but the application for the same must be submitted to the principal and be sanctioned in advance.
As your child grows up so guide him / her to become a responsible memeber of home and of dignity of work , a fundamental personal , virtue necessary for successful career in life .